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Get the Right Write! Inspiration – Motivation and prompts to write

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” ― Maya Angelou

Countless months (maybe years) pass and your book/Story hasn’t been written yet. You lament about the progress yet lack motivation to just do it.

You are not alone – In fact, there is an entire market devised to skillfully separate unmotivated, uninspired authors from their money

Today, however, Daee Dreamz offers an outlet for your writing needs and 10 of my favorite writing quotes.

Without further ado, here is your muse.

“The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” ― Terry Pratchett

Creative writing exercise/prompt: What happens? What if?

Feel free to get the pen and paper out – often having the change from computer to paper can awaken some interesting thoughts. Drawing the prompts can help open the writing muscles and make inspiration

All noises are subdued by the sound of her chattering jaw. She shivers intermittently under layers of clothing. In a feeble attempt to create heat, she paces in small circles. If nothing else, it’ll distract her from the painful surroundings. The temperature is in the negatives, but the wind makes it worse. The wind feels as if it cuts right through a person; directly through the soul.

If only she felt like she still had a soul. She hasn’t felt human in a long time. Her life feels as if it is slowly seeping through her fingers. She works so hard and feels so little.

What happens now?

What if she was a rich person stuck on the side of the road in an emergency? What lurks in this cold?

“You can always edit a bad page. You can’t edit a blank page.” ― Jodi Picoult

Creative writing exercise/prompt: What time is it? What has time done to you?

It happens once in a second – Twice in a week – It doesn’t happen in a month but it happens once in a year – what is it?

There is not a lot that can happen in a second. However – when something traumatic happens – it feels like a split second changed your life. What second of your life was the most important? Is there a second of life that changed your life forever?

When waiting for an answer, a week can feel like eternity – What was the longest week of your life? Has there ever been a week you’re surprised you lived through? Write the details of that week and add a twist if you want to make it fiction. For a memoir, let the reader know why that week changed your life and how.

Ready for the answer to the first question? (Drum-roll) The letter E

How does it make you think differently about regular words?

Creative writing exercise/prompt: What reading have you done recently?

“Read, read, read. Read everything – trash, classics, good and bad, and see how they do it. Just like a carpenter who works as an apprentice and studies the master. Read! You’ll absorb it. Then write. If it’s good, you’ll find out. If it’s not, throw it out of the window.” –William Faulkner

What kind of books have you read that stick with you? When is the last time you read a book? If not a book, last article? What did you read and what did it do to your mind?

Did the reading interest you to the point of writing a similar story? Or, was there something lacking in their story that you feel you could add? What was the last thing you read you felt you could comment on and speak at-length about?

Let’s say you talk about politics – now, what if you had to explain our current politics to a strange unfamiliar person. What would you tell them?

Try reading recent or popular news and trying to explain it to an alien – What would you say? How weird is it? How weird is our society in general?

“We write to taste life twice, in the moment and in retrospect.” -Anaïs Nin

“No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” -Robert Frost

Creative writing exercise/prompt: What do you wish?

You wake up on a Wednesday. Its not your birthday or an anniversary, but you are given a gift out of the blue. The person who gifted this to you said it is everything you ever wanted. It is magic and you have to believe to get the true contents of the gift – this also means you can’t open it until you believe.

What is inside? What magic appears when you open this gift? Is it tangible? Or, is it a note that tells you what is going to happen? Does a hand reach from the present and pull you into another world?

What is it you want most in the world? Could it be put in a box? Would your most precious gift be large or small?

“You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.” -Ray Bradbury, Zen in the Art of Writing

What is your biggest hurdle to writing? Time? Space? Let us know in the comments

Write us a story or just add to the prompts – you can also send us an email at or text 612)217-4065

“Writers live twice.”   -  Natalie Goldberg



For Daily Motivation

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