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Learning your deeper life purpose: Being loved shouldn’t hurt – Stephanie McPhail

Dennis Merritt Jones once said: “Many of us live in denial of who we truly are because we fear losing someone or something-and there are times that if we don’t rock the boat, too often the one we lose is ourselves…It feels good to be accepted, loved, and approved of by others, but often the membership fee to belong to that club is far too high of a price to pay.”

We talk about business, promotions and success but do we ever talk about our personal success?

We work hard, provide for our families, but are we providing for ourselves?

Today I want to touch on a deeper topic: Healthy relationships. We try to eat healthy and be well, but we often neglect the important relationships we have with ourselves and the world.

We at Daee Dreamz want to promote success – in all avenues – and we have author and expert Stephanie McPhail here to help us all access a more profound type of success. 

Stephanie is a transformational Coach, Published Author, and motivational Speaker with an impressive list of education and experience. Her goal is to help people live their best lives. She helps people tackle those tough subjects we often fear and brings them to a better side of themselves. You can learn more about her countless talents and abilities at:

Everyone experiences struggle and strife, but sometimes it may feel like you are consistently facing hardships, complications and even sadness. If you notice a pattern in your problems but don’t quite understand – Stephanie is just the person to help.

Often, reoccurring complications are tied back to you in ore ways than you might realize.

Do you notice repeat unhealthy relationships?

Does your self esteem depend entirely on services/skills/actions you provide to others?

Have you experienced consistent fatigue from putting yourself last?

Do you often struggle with self-worth, saying nice things about yourself, or valuing your personal ideas over another’s?

If you answered yes to these questions, it could benefit you to talk with Stephanie. She can be reached at:

Also, after talking with her about the post – I discovered she is setting up a Costa Rica Recovery trip!

In closing, I would like to add – we’ve all had trouble- we’ve all felt lost. For those of you who are going through struggles we know nothing about – we salute you and wish you well. Don’t hesitate to reach out any time and don’t be afraid to let people know how you feel.

Have a wonderful time


For Daily Motivation

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